2023 Impact Report


Educating Individuals and Organizations on Fundamentals and Theories of Inclusive and Adaptive Fitness

The revisions and additions to the AdaptX course and the dissemination of new educational content has been a central focus of our organization’s efforts over the past year.  We have experienced positive traction sharing the curriculum of the course at the University of Michigan, Arizona, Massachusetts, Colorado, and Arizona State, among others. However, the most recently published version of the course allows for a more comprehensive review of the fundamentals of adaptive fitness, now being offered completely asynchronously and self-paced; while still providing coaches with the opportunity to engage with our staff directly so we can guide you through the development of your inclusive programs. This format will allow us to scale and reach more health and fitness professionals.

Co-designed Three Graduate Level Courses for Education Professionals with Tim Morris, MEd

Tim Morris, MEd

Thank you to Tim Morris for collaborating with us to create three graduate-level courses for Physical Education teachers through Advancement Courses, an online continuing education company that has recently been acquired by Teaching Channel. To learn more about Tim and his impact on the disability space, listen to AdaptX Podcast #006, “Perspective, Perseverance, and Patience: Tim Morris on Life with SCI".

The Teaching Channel Talks

In an engaging conversation with Dr. Wendy Amato of the Teaching Channel, we were able to provide listeners with a relevant exploration of the intersection of education, fitness, and inclusivity while promoting the AdaptX mission.

AdaptX Podcast

This year, we recorded and produced twenty-five episodes of the AdaptX Podcast featuring a wide variety of guests within the inclusion and fitness space. The podcast has not only led to valuable connections with our guests but has also aided us in creating diverse content to supplement the AdaptX Course and share with our audience.

Check out this year’s 25 episodes below.

Remote Coaching Platform

Assembling a coaching staff that represents and understands the adaptive athletes we aim to serve. Creating an accessible remote training platform to increase participation and performance.

2024 Projects

Assessing the Accessibility of Road Races

Scaling a nationwide assessment of the inclusion and accessibility of endurance events to determine common shortcomings. Creating resources to help race directors address them.

Back in May, Jacob and I qualified for the 2024 Boston Marathon by running Martha Vineyard in 2:55:10.
We will be using the opportunity to fundraise for AdaptX and share our training along the way.

Unified 5k Series

Packaging the systems and strategies of the Unified 5k to expand our event to different communities around the country.

Guide Database

Building an online database of individuals eager to support the needs of those with intellectual and physical disabilities so that adaptive athletes can consistently train and compete.

The 2024 Boston Marathon

AdaptX Ambassador Program

Zachary Josie

In July, our AdaptX Ambassador, Zachary Josie, became the first athlete with Dwarfism to finish a 70.3 IRONMAN distance triathlon in Augusta, Maine. We are lucky to support Zach as he works towards new goals athletically and to help him share his knowledge of inclusion in the endurance space.

Listen to AdaptX Podcast #004, “Becoming the Fastest Athlete with Dwarfism”, to learn more about Zach’s journey as an athlete with Dwarfism.

2023 AdaptXpo and 5K

On Friday, June 2nd, we welcomed twelve amazing vendors to our facility in Lancaster, MA for the inaugural AdaptXpo. These vendors displayed strategies to make spaces and services accessible, technology to measure health and performance, and products to improve your running.

The next day, on June 3rd, we had more than 200 participants walk, run, roll, and row our 5th annual Unified 5K. We are grateful to all of the companies and local business that made the expansion of our annual event possible. It is a privilege to provide the community with the opportunity to engage in an inclusive and accessible race.

Thanks to the generous contribution of The Hoyt Foundation, we’ve been able to outfit a facility with state-of-the-art equipment to conduct research projects that revolve around improving health outcomes for individuals with disabilities; Cerebral Palsy and Down syndrome specifically.

2023 Publications

Accepted for Publication (Pending Minor Revisions) - “Implementation and Clinical Outcomes of Blood Flow Restriction Training on Adults with Cerebral Palsy: A Case Series.” in The Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy

Speaking Engagements

If your company or event is interested in a keynote on inclusion and accessibility in the fitness and endurance sport industry, click the button below

Thank you to the organizations that invited me to speak in 2023: